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Chinese baby tests positive for new coronavirus after birth

A baby in China's virus epicenter Wuhan city has been diagnosed with the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) just 30 hours after being born, Chinese state media reported Wednesday.

The infant's mother had tested positive for the virus before giving birth.

According to local news agencies, it may be a case of "vertical transmission", referring to injections used by the mother during pregnancy, childbirth or immediately after.

The Chinese baby is the youngest person recorded as being infected by the 2019-nCoV, which has killed nearly 500 people since late December last year.

Another baby from China was born to an infected mother just last week, however, the child had tested negative as reported by the official Xinhua news agency on Monday.

Meanwhile, the national health commission of China confirmed on Tuesday that the oldest person diagnosed with the virus is a 90-year-old and 80 percent of reported deaths have been of patients 60 years of age and older.

By Jennallyssa Marie Eligino

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